Adding a pool to your home is one of the best ways to bring your family and friends together. The investment you place in building it shouldn’t be met with the exasperating costs of heating with gas or electric, which can come to hundreds of dollars a month. Using the power of the sun, Freedom Solar Energy here in southern California, provides a solution for free heating all year long! You save hundreds of dollars by circulating the pools water through solar panels routinely giving you warm temperatures all year long, allowing you to spend countless hours enjoying the investment in your pool. Spending more quality time with your family and friends, pool solar heating has minimal maintenance, and pays for itself from the money you save on fuel. With extensive warranties and quality products, we give you free heating for life.
"Warmth, Coverage, Free Heating For Life"

"Enjoy Fun in the Sun"
Contact Us About Our Solar Pool Heating Services

How do different types of collectors vary in performance?

For the typical user, temperatures between 76-88 are most comfortable. Most heating systems use gas heating and average yearly cost can rise between $1400-$2000. A therm can heat a gallon of water per hour, at the cost of $7/hour, taking 14 hours to raise to the desired degree and needing hours to maintain it over the days you want to swim you can see where costs add up. A one time investment with a solar pool heating system can last you up to 20 years and give you a 3-5 year return on residential units, and 1-3 years on commercial!
How does solar pool heating it work?

Solar pool heating is generally a very simple process. Your pool equipment turns over the entire body of water in your pool through your filter at least once a day over a period of 6-8 hours, and is monitored on a time clock control unit connected to your pool pump. A diverter valve is placed in between your filter after your pump, bypassing the existing heater and running through two 2” plumbing lines up to the roof and returning to the same position. An automatic control unit is also installed if you only have a manual, to assist in the most comprehensive and easy operation. An efficient solar pool heating system should be mounted vertically on your roof to give the best flow rates, and run 6-8 hours a day.
Are there incentives for solar pool heating?

California has recognized pool pumps and heating costs to be the highest costs in energy use for homes and commercial units, and therefore has offered incentives for it. Commercial systems are covered up to 50% of the cost for installation under the CSI program through California Center for Sustainable Energy.
What does it cost to heat my pool with a standard water heater?

What to look for (products material, efficiency, mounting, warranty)? The best thing about solar pool heating is that it works, and works well. However, not all products are created equal in quality or price. In the solar industry the old adage is true in every sense; you will get what you pay for. A product that is least expensive may not outlast the warranty or preserve the integrity of your roof. There are typically four details to be aware of when choosing your ideal solar panel; material, production method, mounting and warranty. A few questions to ask are, does my panel have a material that will last the longest? How many steps is the design process? What type of mounting will be used? Are parts other than the panel covered in the warranty?
What kind of maintenance is needed for solar pool heating systems?

Typically, a solid collector should not require much maintenance. As a rule, it is best to maintain the longevity of your product by draining the system in the coldest part of the year to avoid freezing. However, some panels can protect against the drastic temperatures if they are made from the right material, allowing expansion and contraction. Additionally, if there is a separated tube design a system is easier to maintain because service can be performed completely isolating the riser vs. plugging or sealing which can compromise the surrounding material.
What temperatures can I expect with solar pool heating?

Without solar pool heating, a regular swimming season will generally be from mid June through the beginning of September. Outside of those two months, the average pool doesn’t get warmer than 70-74 degrees. And the cost of natural heating can be anywhere from $150-$300 a month, just to swim on weekends! With solar heating your pool year round, you can enjoy your pool expense free without the use of natural gas! Since your system is running in conjunction with your pools equipment and filtration system, you are heating it all day long, naturally. Temperatures between 76-88 degrees from March through November is a fair judge if your system is installed on a south facing roof, are heating 6-8 hours a day, and all the plumbing is performed well. The best part is that is FREE heating, and after a one-time cost for the system, you aren’t paying to heat your pool in the non-winter months!